You Need to Bookmark DataUSA

Are browser bookmarks still a thing? I don't think I have used them in years, but DataUSA is a site that I think I will reference a LOT. 

Data USA is was created by MIT Media Lab's spinoff startup Datawheel, and was funded by Deloitte. The site provides an open and easy to use platform that turns publicly available government data into knowledge. It was featured in the New York Times and Fast Company shortly after launching in April 2016. 

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My Second Skillshare Class: Behind the Scenes

My Second Skillshare Class: Behind the Scenes

When FiftyThree and Skillshare approached me this summer to create a course centered around data visualization and iPad drawing, I knew that it would be a fantastic opportunity. I said yes before knowing any details about how it would all work because my gut was telling me that doing this would provide me with much greater value than purely financial benefit. In fact, I didn't know I would make a penny until after we filmed the first class. While it wasn't clear to me in exactly what other ways I would learn and grow, now I know and can share with anyone who takes the time to read this. 

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